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How do I find my course assignments?Once logged into the Learning Center, click the red My Courses button > Start/Resume > Assignments. This should display all the necessary requirements to be completed. Successfully completing all assignments is required to earn your Referee License.
How much does it cost to become a referee?Referee registration is $103 for your 1st year and $80 for year 2. The cost breakdown is $20 for US Soccer, $60 to the state association and a $23 background check administered by US Soccer and good for 2 years. This fee schedule will continue on that cycle while you remain current. These payments must be made each year as part of the ongoing cost. There are also some “startup costs,” such as uniform and referee gear. This cost varies depending on what level of gear you choose to purchase. The good news is that you can earn back your registration payment and uniform costs in as little as 1-2 weekends of working games.
How much will I get paid to be a referee?Pay varies based on a number of factors, including the age group, level of play (rec vs. competitive), and whether you are the Center Referee or Assistant Referee. The range is typically between $25 and $75 per game.
How many games will I work in a day?This is completely up to you! Referees are not “employees,” rather they are “independent contractors.” This means that you can work, or not work, as you choose. You control your schedule, when you work, what time, and even to an extent, where you work. Many referees choose to work between 3-5 games per day.
Why do I have to complete SafeSport?The U.S. Center for SafeSport was established under the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. This act gave The Center the scope and authority to resolve abuse and misconduct reports throughout the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. It also charged The Center with developing and enforcing policies, procedures, and training to prevent abuse and misconduct. The Center’s SafeSport Code governs all participants in the Movement, including U.S. Soccer Federation. Under federal law, U.S. Soccer and other NGBs are required to adhere to the SafeSport Training policies. As part of those prevention policies, adult participants – including referees – are required to complete a yearly SafeSport training to receive and maintain a referee license issued by U.S. Soccer Federation. The course training modules are created and maintained by The Center and are therefore subject to change according to The Center.
I completed my SafeSport training as a coach or through a different sport. Do I have to do it again?No, but you may need to upload the certificate of completion to your US Soccer Learning Center Referee Account. You can find this on your Learning Center Dashboard area. If you have any issues, reach out to your local state admin for assistance.
I have completed the Intro to Saftey course, but my SafeSport still shows expired?Intro to Safety (concussions and injury) is a separate course from SafeSport. Intro to Safety is required for ALL referees. SafeSport is required for all referees age 18 and up.
How long is my certification good for?All certifications expire on December 31. In order to referee past this date, you must complete the recertification requirements for your referee level. EXCEPTION- If you are a NEWLY CERTIFIED referee AFTER July 1, your registration is valid through December 31 of the FOLLOWING year. For example, if you became newly certified on August 27, 2024, your registration expires on December 31, 2025.
When do I have to recertify?Referee certifications expire on December 31. If you want to referee past this date, you must recertify for the next year. The recertification window opens July 1. You may complete recertification any time between July 1 and December 31.
How do I get a new badge?Click HERE to request a badge if yours was lost or damaged. There may be a small fee associated with a request for a new badge.
How do I get my USSF ID number?To find your USSF ID, log in to your US Soccer Learning Center account. You can find all your profile information there including your USSF ID Number.
How do I get my USSF ID card?US Soccer no longer produces paper ID cards, and you do not need one. If a situation arises where you are asked for your ID card, please CONTACT US or contact your assignor.
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